IV International Festival of Animation Arts “Multivision” took place at 2-3 December at the Rodina cinema center in St.Petersburg

Download the catalog (pdf, 600 kb) On the forth year of its existance the festival widely expanded it’s international program which was very impressive this year. Instead of usual one day and night, the festival screening took 2 days to the huge public response.

Our congratulations for the winners of the competition!!!

 Grand Prix & The Best Experimental Animation            1 Place

Режиссер Карлос Эдуардо Ногейра

Directed by Carlos Eduardo Nogueira Produced by Mayra Lucas
Our Man in Nirvana
Directed by Jan Koester
producer: Ole Nicolaisen
 2 Place  3 Place
Directed by Bill Plypmton
 Best Animation for Children & 5 place  Best Internet Animation & 9 place
Denis Chernov, Alexey Lebedev
Alexander Guerassimov, Ilya Popov, Anatoly Prohorov
Petersburg studios, Russia
 The Animal.

Evguenia Golubeva, Russia
 4 place – Shish, Directed by Marina Karpova, Pilot studios, Russia,
6 place – ‘Ce que je suis’, Directed by Joris CLERTE, France;
7 place (Three-way tie)– CARLITOPOLIS, Directed by Luis NIETO , France; The Tale Tell Heart, Directed by Raul Garcia, Spain – Luxembourg ; Yarn, Directed by Reka Gacs, Great Britain;
8 place – Sprossling, Directed by Anne Breymann, Germany,
10 place – Herzen and Tolstoy, Directed by Darina Schmidt, Alexander Druzhinin, Russia
Svetlonos (Torch Bearer) Director: Václav Švankmajer, Czech Repubic is mentioned by jury as the Most Disputed Film

The Jury:

  • Iliya Maksimov
    Director of  the first russian feature-length animated films The Dwarf’s Nose, Dobrynia Nikitych and Zmey Gorynytch (Melnitsa Studios).
  • Dmitry Vysotsky – animated film director and artist
  • Andrey Sicorsky – animated film director and artist
  • Bella Matveeva – painter, the Member of the New Academy of Fine Arts
  • Gala Filatova – artist and perfrmancist, the founder of Purga art-club
  • Arcady Ippolitov – Senior Curator of The State Hermitage Museum
  • Serguey Ushan – Creative Director of Zero Communication Agency and Zero Cinema Club

The organizers wish to express their gratitude to everyone who participated in the festival. Your works have had a huge impact on the development of and interest in animation art in Russia. We look forward to further cooperation and invite you and your colleagues to take part in the next edition of the Multivision festival.

Yours faithfully,
Svetlana Petrova, Festival Director