Title Director Country of production
Main competition
About coati / Александра Слепчук / Россия
Animaholic / Adrián Piqueras Sánchez / Spain
ARTIST AND HOOLIGANS / Иван Максимов, Анна Романова / Россия
Bingo! / Patrick Schoenmaker / Netherlands
Bird Flu / Priit Tender / Estonia
Bird of Prey / Jelle Brunt & David de Rooij / Netherlands
Birdz / Emilien Davaud / Switzerland
Branded Dreams / Ton Meijdam, Thom Snels and Béla Zsigmond / Netherlands
Brave one, the / А. Кузнецов / Россия
Bruit du gris, le / Stéphane Aubier et Vincent Patar / France
Brunfelsia / Anna Constantinova / Italy
Catherine / Britt Raes / France
Charge The Dragon / Jan Bubeníček / Czech Republic
Child Dream / Christophe Gérard / France
Cingdom M. Legacy / Наталья Мирзоян / Россия
Cingdom M. Our little brothers / Наталья Мирзоян / Россия
Come Alive / Darcy Prendergast & Xin Li / Australia
Cuckoo, The / Дина Великовская / Россия
Decorado / Alberto Vazquez / Spain, France
Empty, the / Dahee Jeong / France / South Korea
Full Feather Jacket / Liz el Saadany / Netherlands
Gossamer, The / Наталья Чернышева / Россия
Habitat / Marcel Barelli / Switzerland
Head Vanishes, the / Franck Dion / France
Her name is Yoko / Михаил Сафронов / Россия
House of Unconsciousness / Alateadvuse maja / Priit Tender / Estonia
I am not a Mouse / Евгения Голубева / UK
In a Cage / Loic Bruyere / France
In the Forest of Broken Umbrellas / Дмитрий Высоцкий / Россия
Invisible Elephant /The / Анастасия Соколова / Россия
Isaac and Quincy / Liam Tate Jamie Stanton / UK
Itching, the / Dianne Bellino / USA
Joint-Tenants / Colocataires / Delphine Priet-Mahéo / France
Journal anime / Donato Sansone / France
Jukai / Gabrielle Lissot / France
Kid and the Hedgehog, the / Anna Solanas / Spain
King Who Collected Books, The / Bella Szederkényi / Hungary
Life with Herman H. Rott / Chintis Lundgren / Estonia / Croatia / Denmark
Lilou / Rawan Rahim / Lebanon
Little cars. The lorry / Сергей Люлин / Россия
Little Fox Who Could Play the Violin / Наталья Нилова / Россия
Little Thing / Or Kan-Tor / Israel
LOVE / Réka Bucsi / France, Hungary
Mamie / Janice Nadeau / France
MAMMOTH EFFECT, The / Vladek Zankovsky / Uk
Master, the / Riho Unt / Estonia
Melting POP / Alexandre Dubosc / France
Miriam`s Stray Dog / Andres Tenusaar / Estonia
Mishimasaiko / Aude Danset / France
Money Time / Ludovic Houplain / France
Mystery of acrid smoke / Игнатенко Андрей / Россия
Nalim Malinych / С. Бирюков / Россия
Night Witch, the / Alison Klayman Dustin Grella / usa
No Offense / Kris Broghs / Belgium
Not a button / Андрей Жидков / Россия
Once Upon a Blue Moon / Steve Boot / UK
One Hell of a Plan / Alain Gagnol, Jean-Loup Felicioli / France
One who tamed clouds, the / Nicolas Bianco-Levrin / France
Our Wonderful Nature – The Common Chameleon / Tomer Eshed / Germany
Paniek! / Joost Lieuwma, Daan Velsink / Netherlands
Parade / Digna van der Put / netherlands
Piano / Kaspar Jancis / Estonia
Pica Pica / Mojgan Ghanaatgar / Switzerland
Pig. The Ghost / Н. Березовая / Россия
PIN-Code, We got you, Ballanoid! / Алексей Горбунов / Россия
Right place, the / Fernando Franco, Begoña Arostegui / Spain
Riki, Ears / Татьяна Мошкова / Россия
So Close / Lucie Thocaven / Belgium
Spring Rain / Po-Chou Chi / tAIwan
Tea Time / Guillaume Blanchet / France
Teeny-weeny Fox, the / Aline Quertain et Sylwia Szkiladz / France, Belgium, Switzerland
That Fat Cat Ate Dad’s Hat / Darran Kuah Sebastian Law / Singapore
That tortoise / С. Меринов, А. Стрельбицкая, Н. Фомичева и Саша Геометрический / Россия
Tiny creatures / ignasi lopez fabregas / Spain
TIS / Chloë Lesueur / France
Travelling Country / Vanja Andrijevic / Croatia
Trial & Error / Antje Heyn / Germany
Two short tales / Е. Касавина / Россия
Weather The Storm / Peter Baynton / UK
Wet hair, the / Rebecca Akoun / Austria
Wonder Ball / Dana Sink / USA
Yùl and the Snake / Gabriel Harel / France
Student and graduation films competition (a part of the main competition)
14 / Amélie GRAFFET Cyril FLOUS Charlotte DA-ROS Roxane MARTINEZ David JURINE Juliette COUTELLIER / France
69SEC / Laura Nicolas / Belgium
About balls / Е. Трапезникова / Россия
Ad vitam aeternam / Benoit Madeleine, Clément Guihard, Clément Poulain, Guillaume Letourneur, Raphaël Bellino / France
Amazing Dancing Bear, The / JongEun Kim / USA
Asteria / Alexandre Arpentinier, Mathieu Blanchys, Lola Grand, Tristan Lamarca, Thomas Lemaille, Jean-Charles Lusseau / France
Bear Hugs / Masha Zarnitsa / United States
Beard ,The / Софья Бадалова / Россия
Bed Time / Grace Foo / UK
Belle Comme Un Coeur / Gregory Casares / Switzerland
BIRDIE, THE / Екатерина Филиппова / Россия
Black Widow / Julie Boehm / Germany
Blink / Manon Ghys – Victoria Léger – Nathan Rémy – William Steiner / France
Borderlines / Hanka Nováková / CZECH REPUBLIC
Branded Dreams / Ton Meijdam, Thom Snels and Béla Zsigmond / Netherlands
Bumpy Ride, a / Chang Shu / USA
Cat and its Artist, The / Maike Koller / Germany
Charlie’s buck teeth / Esther Lalanne, Xing Yao, Valentin Sabin, Camille Verninas, Chao-Hao Yang / France
Child / Iring Freytag Viktor Stickel / Germany
Constructeur de Malheur, le / Philipp Gratzer / Austria
CONSUMANITY / (Fabio Enrique Perez Ortiz) / Germany
Conte oriental / Cosette NIGON Mélanie LE FORBAN Camille FACHE Charly BOYER / France
Cour, La / Estelle Costedoat, Antoine Engels, Julien Fradin, Florian Gourdin, Pierre-Edouard Mérien, Olivier Royer / France
Crabe phare / Gaëtan Borde, Benjamin Lebourgeois, Claire Vandermeersh, Alexandre Veaux et Mengjing Yang / France
Dead Friends / Changsik Lee / Canada
Delivery / Leslie BELOT Thibaut SCALESSE Sophie BLAYRAT Kai HUANG Loan TORRES / France
Deracine / Florent Arnould, Julien Becquer, Noémie David, Andy Dupont, Matthias Mouton France / France
Dust / Alex Klexber / Israel
Eidos / Elena Ortolan / Italy
FEED / ERI okazaki / Japan
Feedback / Ondřej Javora Filip Javora / Czech Republic
First Snow / Lenka Ivancikova / Czech Republic
Full Measures / XUEJING XU / USA
G’old Fish / Cain Pickens / France
GardenParty / Théophile Dufresne, Florian Babikian, Gabriel Grapperon, Lucas Navarro, Vincent Bayoux, Victor Claire / France
Gokurosama / Clémentine Frère, Aurore Gal, Yukiko Meignien, Anna Mertz, Robin Migliorelli, Romain Salvini / France
Graveland / Nicolas ALBRECHT / France
Graveyard Shift, the / Lara Arikan / USA
Groomed / Samantha Armiger / usa
Grounded / Lucas Durkheim / France
Gyros Dance / Piotr Loc Hoang Ngoc / Poland
HALLUX / Henning Thomas / Germany
Hamlet. Comedy. / Евгений Фадеев / Россия
Holy city / mor galperin inbal bentzur / Israel
Hum / Tom Teller / USA
In Other Words / Tal Kantor / Israel
Invasion Day / Vincent De Bellis, Milos Erastotene, Terence Guilpin, Léo Lefebvre, Raphaël Leylavergne, Arthur Loiseau, Mohamed Oumoumad, Dimitri Trouvé / France
Jubile / Coralie Soudet, Charlotte Piogé, Marion Duvert, Marie El Kadiri, Agathe Marmion / France
Keiro / Tatiana JUSKEWYCZ, Benoît LELOUP, Franck MENIGOZ, Zoé NÉROT, Charlotte PONCIN / France
Knight To Meet You / Antoine FROMAGER – Laurie BOGDEL – Loïc RESPLANDY – Lucas GODINEAU – Mathieu ASTRUC – Nicolas CANOT / France
L’aviatrice / Jacques Leyreloup, Victor Tolila, Perrine Renard, Laura Viver Canal, Gaël Chauvet / France
Last Act / Daphné Chabrier, Laura Hottot, Cécile Peyron / France
Last Judgment / Junyi Xiao / США USA
Little fellow / Mathilde Parquet / France
Little Shoemaker, the / Galaad ALAIS / France
Little stone lion / Chen Tang / Taiwan
Luxna / Anthony Bonnard, Abdelkader Alihadef, Juliette Dominguez, Timothé Claeys, Hugo Falaize, Vincent Barré / France
Machinator, the / Pablo Latorre / Argentina
Mars 3752 / Nicolas Bianco-Levrin / France
Mastercat / Margaux Rosiau, Geoffrey Bourrissoux, Camille Aubé, Maud Biscay / France
Mechanical / Alba Capilla / Spain
Miracle, the / Hana Kotlarova / CZECH REPUBLIC
Missing Key / Romane André, Robin Lavigne, Justine Landau, Francis Lacogne, Livia Macon, Pauline Renaud / France
Mycroft / Célestine Plays & Simon Gobbi / France
Nadir / Lorène Yavo / Belgium
November / Marjolaine Perreten / France
Oh Hiss ! / Boris Brenot / Belgium
Once upon a line / Alicja Jasina / Poland
Outdated / Alexandra Hetmerova / Czech Republic
Pale Blue Dot / Chin Li Zhi / Singapore
Party / Daniel Barany / Hungary
Passenger, The / Orlane Brouillet, Claire d’Intorni, Antoine Mariez, Lucie Martinetto, Réda Mehleb, Eva Seyeux / France
Perched / Liam Harris / uk
Perfect Fit / Vladimir Stanishevskii / USA
Phosphoros / Manolya Kuelkoeylue Jan Philipp Mekus / Germany
Pirate Smooch / toufik Abdedaim / Germany
Planet Unknown / Shawn Wang / China
PUZZLE / Stav Levi / Israel
Quacksalver / Jorn Leeuwerink / Netherlands
Resistance / Alex Chauvet, Anna Le Danois, Quentin Foulon, Fabien Glasse, Juliette Jean, Julie Narat / France
Ressac / Gaëtan JAYLE / France
Roger / Sonia Cendón Quireza Sara Esteban Riera Arnau Gòdia Montesinos Ingrid Masarnau Amorós Martí Montañola Vilet / Spain
Selfie Cat / ASSIE Geoffrey / BERNARD Emeline /DIVET Elsa / France
Session / Eliza Plocieniak-Alvarez / Germany
Sheep Shop, the / Jorn Leeuwerink / Netherlands
Sirocco / Avril Hug, Lauren Madec, Kevin Tarpinian, Thomas Lopez, Romain Garcia / France
SpellBound / Ying Wu Lizzia Xu / USA
Spotlight / Otalia Causse / France
Story of the Boy with Magic Moles, The / Malgrin Debotté / Morgane Marinos, Claire Brodelle, Cindy Kinadjian, Clarisse Valeix / France
Tekkol / Jorn Leeuwerink / Netherlands
To Rouse the Wolf / Лиза Астрецова / Россия
U Scrusciu Du Mari / Fabien Collet, Fanny De Carvalho, Arnaud Douzal, James Nardelli, Lea Rossi, Zarah Towey / France
Valley Below, the / Joel Hofmann / Switzerland
Water lily / r Justine Cunha, Clémentine Delcourt, Alexandra Batina, Margaux Lahuppe et Pascal Miller. / France
World Welcomes Fame, The / Alexis Burlat / Belgium
Zzzen / Eliot Tisserand, Célia Barillaux, Clarisse Rubini, Emilie Scaps, Nicolas Triboult, Geoffroy Canedi / France
Video installations competition
ANY ROAD / Boris Labbé, Daniele Ghisi / France
Great Escape, The / Wei Keong Tan / Singapore
Little Girl / Steven Subotnick / USA
Lucy / Evert de Beijer / Netherlands
Message of the Animals / Elke H. Markopoulos / Germany
Peripheria / David Coquard-Dassault / France
Peter’s Forest / Martina Mestrovic / Croatia
POPS / Shiro Ichige / Japan
Post Rebis / Alessandro Amaducci / Italy
Sparrow Duet / Steve Socki / USA
To Be Continued … / KIM&HIM / Germany
Variable Geometry / Marie-Brune de Chassey / Belgium
Films made by children
About a cow-boy/Про ковбоя/Горб Виктория, Береда Ульяна, Григорук Анна, Симутина Елизавета/Украина
Alarm/Котовасия/Пархоменко Диана, Цима Снежана, Королёва Мария, Ефимова Анастасия, Гридчина Елена, Биндзюра Алёна/Украина
And suddenly…/И вдруг…/Подгорная Дарья/Украина
Arakabus/Camera Etc/Belgium
Coconut Tree Road/Camera Etc/Belgium
Day Like Any Other, A /Camera Etc/Belgium
Heroes of our city,The /Герои нашего города/ Собинина Оксана/Россия
Infokind/ Jonasz Wiewiór/ Poland
Journey cat, The/ Путешествие кота Семёна/ Кошевич Оксана/ Россия
Little hamster/Хомячок/Осолоткина Ярослава/ Россия
Look around on a house it/Оглянись на дом свой/ Корнюшенко Полина, Матяш Александра, Макина Мария, Курбатова Надежда, Молодых Вероника/ Украина
Magic Rope/CLIA ANILUPA Associação/Portugal
Rulers of planet of evil/Владыки планеты зла/ Денисов-Чалый Сиверин, Литвиненко Валерий, Витковская Ева, Бережная Оля, Никитенко Александр, Билык Елизавета, Колесникова Анна/Украина
To the Treasure Island/CLIA ANILUPA Associação/Portugal
Touché/ Camera Etc/Belgium
Tracks on sand/Следы на песке/ Матяш Александра, Корнюшенко Полина/Украина
War and pigeons/Война и голуби/Береда Валерия, Губакова Александра, Железняк Лидия,Мешкова Анна, Шевчук Вероника, Сафикюрдский Артур, Григорук Анна./Украина
What A Fuss/Ну и суматоха/Camera Etc/Belgium
Yellow Van, The/CLIA ANILUPA Associação/Portugal
Мой новый год/Архип Варфоломеев/Россия